Free Template: Goal setting every quarter

The first week of July has begun. We have 6 months left till the end of the year.

When I look back on the past few months, there were definitely things I could have done better.

There were wastages. All these time cannot be gotten back. 

  • Time wasted on wrong opportunities at work

  • Time wasted on the wrong people and

  • Time wasted on the wrong activities i.e. doom scrolling.

The good news is that we can start today and shift our actions toward producing more desirable results.

How can we optimize the remaining 6 months of the year together?

🪷 This starts by setting out what we want to achieve

If you do not live intentionally, you will find yourself playing someone else’s game.

🪷 And, committing the daily actions that aligns with your vision

Your actions are the best predictor of your future. You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.

To help you, I’ve designed this template:

Free Template: Will teach you how to use it below

When it comes to organizing my life, I like to think in quarters and focus on Q3 first (July, August and September).

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