Hello. I am Jeraldine Phneah. I am a Singaporean tech worker and content creator.

I am a believer of intentional living. This means making conscious decisions that align with your values and what truly matters to you.

I share ideas about how we can become the best version of ourselves in our career, finances, health and relationships.

Growing up, I had many insecurities about myself and my future. I am not alone and there are many others like me trying to define who they want to be; become the best version of themselves and provide the best for the people they love. 

Through sharing my journey and ideas, I hope to provide tactical solutions to reduce these pressures for as many people as possible.

I was listed as one of the LinkedIn Top Voices in Singapore and have also been featured on Channel News Asia; Dollars & Sense and Her World

I always believe in complementing my words with actions. I have been volunteering for several years and worked with =DREAMS and The Workers Party. I am currently one of the ambassadors for CareCorner’s Uplift for Life campaign.

In my day job, I work in an Artificial Intelligence (AI) SaaS startup, helping to scale their business here in APAC. 

Outside of work and content creation, I have a wide range of interests include resistance training; cycling; reading; finance; psychology; nature; animals; tea and eastern philosophy.

You can contact me at jeraldine(dot)phneah(at)gmail(dot)com